Sunday, November 20, 2011

So many changes in such a little time. The nights are getting longer, with shorter days. I love these short days. The sun means so much more when it peeks out. The sunsets are so colorful and dramatic. The drama coming from the layering of clouds. The layers then reflect a different color scheme which would be missed during the longer days. The darken days are packed with the chance of catching up with reading, projects left aside when flower beds are in full bloom, and a time of conversations lost in the heat of summer. The sunlight striking off the wings of crows, the sycamore's shaggy bark lighten up the darken streams, the air with the scent of pine.
This perid of time reminds me of the following words:
'the best things are nearest-breath in your nostrils, light in your eyes, flowers at your feet, duties at your hand, the Path of Right just before you. Do not grasp at the stars, but do life's paling common work as it comes, certain that daily dittoes and daily bread are the sweetest things in life.'
When the woes of life seem to swallows us, what better time to review the wonders of life. I understand though, it can be difficult to recall such times. We have worries that seem to shadow the brilliance of winter's light. Soon the longer days will be upon us, crowding our days with the planting of seeds, spying out the songs of birds migrating on the winds and watching for the first peek of flowers.
The winter days intensify the pain of my disease, polymyositis, or just poly as I affectionally call this curse. There are times when I just want to scream because my skin is so itchy. Even wearing clothes irrates my skin. It is as if my skin is bruised and the material chaffs. A hug or a hand shake can be painful, except a hug should comfort not hurt. I would rather endure a hug then to ignore the gesture of love. Brightening the long cold day of winter.
With a nod and a wink HeWal

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