Tuesday, December 27, 2011

When I visit my parents, the same basic information, they share with me is 'laugh through our mistakes, our blunders and the little things in life.' I don't know about all of you, but for me, there are times when the little things of life are bothersome and not so laughable. Especially after a long day at work, all I wanted to do was gripe, complain, vent. Or maybe after a long day of feeling lousy because of MY ILLNESS. After all, no one else can understand what I just went through. These days I am no longer face with a full day at work but like all, I still have 'bad days.'
I have come to understand, no I have come to appreciate, the power of laughter. Or what about a simple smile. Once you have a smile on your face it becomes difficult to fuss about an injustice. This mind set, of a smile or a laugh, does much to improve what was qickly becoming a lousy time. It improves not only my disposition but also the others who were going to hear me out.
While at work, I had the privilege of conducting a number of courses designed for management. One of the courses was how to deal with improving and increase success. One of the points was the importance of laughter. In part I stated the following:
'Laughter! Tis a poor man's plaster,
Covering each sad disaster.
Laughing he forgets his troubles,
Which though real seems but bubbles.
Laughter! Whether loud or mute,
Tells the human kind from brute.
Laughter! Tis hope's living voice,
Bidding us to make the choice,
And to cull from thorny bowers
Leaving thorns and taking flowers.'
Why did it take me so long to understand? To put into practice? I even taught the importance of this quailty. I taught this for years to classes of supervisors. The answer;I am not sure about all of you but for me it is because I am simply stubborn. That stubbornness comes from the Dyer's side, my mom's side and not from the Wallace's side.
As I watched the gentle falling of snow, I ponder this line of reasoning. If you were born without sense of humor, set about acquiring this without delay. Nine-tenths of the little vexations of which we make so much have a funny side. If we only looked for it. To meet them rightly, we should laugh about them, instead of crying or whining, as so many of us do. Cultivate that practical sense of humor that will enable you to see the funny side when things go wrong, for it is a quality that is valuable all the way through life.
With a nod and a wink, HeWal

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