Saturday, August 13, 2011


This day, as this whole week has been, wonderful beautiful days. When so much of the country is suffering I feel very fortunate. With this weather I feel a little better. When the weather is half way decent I do feel just a tad better. Of course that is the case with many who face adversity of health. When ever the weather changes so does our body.

I love sitting outside reading the day away and studying the great outdoors. I only have a postage stamp of a yard, yet it yields great diversity. The number of butterflies, birds and other smaller mammals. Of course, I cannot forget the toad family! I have a number of water shelters for all of the creatures that may show up. The catbirds and gold finches share one. If a robin tries to approach, they chase it away. However the robin has it's own water bath and will chase those unwanted in his territory .

It is these little dramas, unfolding in small unassuming ways, that entertain us the most. These little dramas, even in a small way, help us in dealing with the dramas going on in our body's

That is all for now and thanks